Customer Reviews
& Photo Gallery
Proven Performance

" Alot of people ask me what my horses are on...Thank you for such a wonderful product that gives results." Robert Conway, California

"JS Dreamscendency and her foal Mr Barlink To A Te. Look at my mare's natural shine! HS-35 was recommended to me 6 years ago... would not feed anything else! It's great for my mares, foals and show horses." Michelle Schlaeger, Minnesota

I bought this horse just over 2 years ago. He was 4 at the time. We have fed HS-35 for years, along with good hay. No grain. Our horses look amazing! They just shine and look so healthy. I can't believe this is the same horse! April of 2019 and today - July 2021. We are true believers of your product!
Submitted by Steve & Becky Sjostrom

Trail photos submitted by Jim & Terri Janssen - South Dakota
Before photo taken
October 2015

After HS-35 photo taken
August 2016

This is "Mickey" in August after proper diet and HS-35
winning 3rd place overall Pony Championship Halter
at the age of 20.
Photos submitted by Chasity Koebel, Michigan

Before and After photos submitted by Farrier Randy K., Minnesota
15 year old AQHA Gelding after 9 mo. of feeding HS-35. The only difference in this horse's diet was the addition of HS-35 and plain whole oats!

Bobbie Neustel & Wire Me Some Gold
2008 AQHA Mare
Reeds Spring, MO
Photo Credit Victor McCune
Darian Larson & Impressum Miss Priss
AQHA - Age 17
Reeds Spring, MO
Photo Credit Victor McCune
Dixie Langenwalter & Texas Barbie Doll
Appaloosa - Age 13
Reeds Spring, MO

"We at Faithland Farm feel blessed to have been introduced to HS-35! Our results have been nothing short of amazing with this young stallion. He is just starting his journey to becoming a Great One! You can follow "Hal" and join us as he paves his way to becoming APHA's next Supreme Champion #41!!
2015 Yearling APHA/PtHA Sabino Stallion - GloryGlory Hallelujah has earned 44 points with the American Paint Horse Association in just 6 shows. With 27 halter points and 16 Grands/18 Reserves in Open Halter Stallions and 3 Grands/7 Reserves in Amateur Halter Stallions. He also accumulated 17.5 points in the APHA events - Longe Line and Trail In Hand." Luck, WI

Becky Amio - Blunt, SD

Staylor & Shiloh - Chase N It Farm - Custer, SD

"Photo from the High Roller Endurance Ride on January 2 & 3, 2016 - L.D. Crystal Lite (Caile) is one of my older Arabians that I endurance ride with. She is 20 years old, is borderline Cushings and has had laminitis twice. I credit HS-35 for her vitality and her bulldozer attitude on the trail, but she is the sweetest and calmest horse in my pasture." Cross Country Stables, Sadler, Texas

"Hi - this is Perpetual Fantasy our 4 yr old APHA mare. She had an outstanding show season this year by adding 3 Superiors to her record and getting the title of MNSPHC Halter Horse of the Year. She has been on HS-35 her whole life! We've raised her and have generations of HS-35 horses. We'd like to point out, she is N/H as is her dam...HS-35 is a great product for HYPP horses too! " Triple D Farms, Minnesota

Submitted by Callstroms - Cannon Falls, Minnesota

Jennifer Peterson & Holly - Mound, Minnesota

"I have been feeding HS-35 to my horses for years now... I wouldn't switch my feeding program for anything. From the beginning of life to the senior years!" Janelle Larson, Wisconsin

"My sweet mare TS The Perfect Touch (Daisy) and her girls. She has a natural beautiful shine with HS-35! Love this product...it's so easy to feed! The girls like to take part in chores too... it's their job to top dress her oats with the cup of HS-35." Natalie Jensen, Minnesota

Hello there! We started feeding HS-35 to our show horses in April after meeting your reps at the Iowa Horse Fair. The difference in our horses has been amazing. First and foremost they seem happier! Their haircoats have improved and the finishing product has been awesome! We took two halter horses to the American Buckskin Registry World Show and came home with World Championships in all three classes we showed in. So thank you and I can't wait to see what our future holds with this product. Lindsay Black, Black Show Horses

Feb 13, 2016 - "This is my mare just last week. Still in winter coat and dirt, but shiny as ever! She's been fed HS-35 since September and ProBalnce & Chia since November. She is not under lights and not in a heated barn. She wears a windproof, waterproof sheet and on extreme days I put her in a medium weight blanket. She has not had a bath since before September. Our barn is insulated so it does get around 25-30 once all the horses come in for the night. She was getting Dr's Formula before September and was faded and dull in personality. Now with HS-35, ProBalance & Chia - she looks amazing and engergetic and has her twinkle in her eye again! She is fed one cup of oats twice a day, one flake of alfalfa twice a day and unlimited grass hay." Kristin Zachman, Minnesota

"A Smooth Man aka Casino ridden by my sister Bailee Wright. We have been feeding HS-35 for a year now and love the results. Our barrel and roping horses stay feeling well and maintain a shiny, beautiful coat all through the summer, while they are being hauled all over the mid-west." Chelsea Phipps - Billings, MO

"I just wanted to share how beautiful my Morgan mare, Wrenn, looks since she has been on HS-35 for a full year now. I am grateful a friend shared HS-35 with me. Now Wrenn shares with Bailey!" Karen Miller Kenerson - Newfield, NY

Photos - Brian Nigro Photo Credit
"All the lesson horses, boarders' horses and my show horses at Turk's Southwind Stable are on HS-35 and oats, and they look great. I think I've cut my feed bill by 1/3 and am not feeding a "million" different supplements. Some of my hard keepers get high fat feed added to their ration, but that's it. And, not only does everyone look good, nobody is "hot".
Here is an example of 3 of them with their shiney coats and happy expressions! They belong to the Williams-Denison family of Seneca Falls, NY, and are boarded at Turk's Southwind. Thanks for the product! I buy it from Meg Gaige in Mecklenburg, NY." Tina Turk, Turk's Southwind Stable - Lodi, NY

"I heard about HS-35 from a breeder in Michigan and found out that our local Mills Fleet Farm store sold it. I purchased a bag and haven't stopped! I continue to feed it to all my horses and also recommend it to horses that come in for training. I will not feed anything else! It's amazing from the inside out and is the BEST product out there!!" Maria Zellmer, All Around Horse Training Services - Brandon, WI
My mare ZMI Cinnoman Spice aka Spice, is by Zip Me Impressive, the 2003 World's Best Appaloosa.

"I just wanted to write to let you know how much I LOVE and swear by HS-35. I had used it on a healthy conditioned horse years ago and was always happy with it as maintainance but most recently I've used it on a horse in less than optimal condition and this is where I can see it's true colors shine. It's such a wonderful product, I can't say enough. I rescued a 3.5 year old OTTB two weeks ago and he was very underweight and dingy looking. After being on HS-35 for just 2 weeks at his new home you can see a distinct change already! So much so that other boarders at our barn who saw what he looked like when he came are commenting on how much improved he looks and that his coat is now "bunny rabbit soft" :o) They have started asking me about HS-35 for their own horses that have been on other long term supplements. I think after this they might be looking to make a switch!! Thanks so much for being great!!" Lori Lessard - Rochester, MN

"I have been feeding HS-35 for over 3 years after hearing about it from one of my horse friends, and I have to say that my two mares are in top condition. One is a Quarter Horse, and one is an Arabian. I was skeptical and had to check out the nutritional advantages on your label. Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall, I fed according to your directions with oats, and couldn't be more pleased. It's easy to feed and "the Girls" love it. They are both very healthy and their coats are even shiny during our brutal mid-west winters. They receive mostly grass hay with a little alfalfa mixed in and salt. That's it. Thank you HS-35! :) " Gloria & Larry Kearney

"We have been in the breeding business for 32 years and I have tried almost every brand of feed, supplement and secret ingredient that has passed through the halter horse industry. In 2005, we were told about a product called HS-35. True to form, when I came home from the World Show, I immediately contacted them, found a dealer and made my first purchase. After many years of trying to keep our young futurity colts sound, we have finally found a product that has proven to us that it does what it says it will if fed properly, which means starting with the (pregnant) mare. We feed it to our stallion, mares and show horses. We really believe it is what has helped keep our colts sound and increased the conception rate for our mares.
After a heavy show schedule, LT Kid came off the show circuit into the breeding barn with excellent results. In 2007, we were 11th on AQHA Leading Breeders of Halter Horse Winners and 14th on the All Time Leading Breeders of Halter Horse Winners. We are very excited about HS-35 and the fact that it is econimical and easy to feed; even my youngest foals go right for it. Most importantly, however, it is what it has done for our horses." Wilson Ranch, Gene & Kaylynn Wilson - Esterville, IA

Cresty Neck? A January Warning...
Sue McKenna - Jasper, MN
"I have four horses, two of which are prone to laminitis. In both, the first sign of danger is a "cresty" neck. the neck gets hard as a rock, with a massive bulge across the top. If you have it in your horse, you know what I mean. For me, it's a red flag that an attack is building. I've also learned that a horse doesn't always show the classic founder stance to suffer sub-laminitic damage to the hoof.
Because I feed these two mares only well-cured grass hay, I had been looking for a good, all-around, affordable supplement. I thought a vitamin/mineral mix might help support hooves. I tried many commercial top dresses on the market. I still had problems. A trainer friend- who has a Cushings mare - suggested a product called HS-35.
I've used it now for about a year. After the first month, I simply put all four animals on it. One 50 lb. bag lasts one horse three months; the pony, six. This fall, winter coats came in thick and lush (and soft), and all have good, solid feet. the pony, which foundered last winter on all FOUR feet, is doing well. She runs freely. I have finally gotten her to a healthy weight, and she's not constantly "rooting" - she's satisfied with her hay. There is no longer a difference between the necks of the easy keepers and the others. I've also noticed tendons (one mare bowed her tendons - laminitis effects a lot of things) are no longer puffy.
I am sharing info here, because while most people think Spring is the dangerous time for a laminitis attack due to new green grass (also true), my experience is WINTER is far more serious. A horse's metabolism gets very economical in winter. It's how Mother Nature designed it to survive. If your horse is even mildly insulin resistant, this easonal metabolism shaft can bring trouble.
One nice side effect of all this is how HS-35 has helped my checkbook. I have no need for expensive "safe" processed bag feed. For the two healthy animals, I simply feed a little plain oats if I want. My hay goes further. My salt blocks last longer. My horses drink more water, so their digestion works better. (Less chance of colic).